Tuesday, 16 October 2012

This Column will change your life

This article explains the notion of small victories, making people happier than trying to succeed in bigger challenges. It shows how people are taking smaller pieces of a pie chart and getting further than people who are trying to deal with larger pieces.

How to... decorate

For the next several weeks, we will be given one Guardian editorial project a week, for which to create an new illustration for. The concept of this article was how we, as humans, decorate ourselves so much that it can become a significant part of our lives. My idea was to use the baroque style (mentioned in the article) and camouflage a figure into the wallpaper, so that it appears as if the person has somewhat become the actual decoration. I have two slightly different images, as I was unsure about what pose to have the figure in.

Social Gathering

This is my final version for the 'Social Gathering' of the 7 characters created during the summer break. It also includes the self portrait character, shown second from the left, in the foreground of the image. The idea shows a chaotic circus scene, in which all the characters are a little unusual and either performing or watching to some degree. I have added other related objects into the background, such as   a tightrope, a fish tank and several rabbits. I'm a little unsure as to the colours of the characters compared with the background as certain areas seem to blend together a little.

Friday, 5 October 2012

Children's illustration competition

These are illustrations for a competition for a Swedish children's story. The images show Gustav, the Swedish mouse: 
Ist image: He is a fat mouse
2nd image: He is with his Elkhound friend, who is watching him with wide eyes
3rd image: Gustav is opening a Christmas present
4th image: Gustav's signature